Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fall Again....I love it!

Ok, so I went outside this morning and I could feel it!! It was so cool outside and smelled wonderful!! Here are a few more that I had time to put out late yesterday. My neighbors stopped in and said that I was putting everyone on the street in the mood for Halloween ; )
I have a lot more to do before I am finished with the final project but I am getting closer. Triston is loving it!! He loves all the pumpkins inside too. Although, he walks around blowing out the candles inside of the ones in the house. He wants to know when he will get to go to the "fall festival" that the church has every year. I told him that is still a month away.
We are looking forward to the pumpkin patch too. That is such a fun thing to do. We usually pick out 3 or 4 and carve them for the front porch. Last year we did some really cool carvings that I have pics of and will try to post on here for those of you that didn't get to see them.
The only dread in all of it is taking all of this down because my Christmas decorations, put all of this to shame. It usually takes me a week to decorate for Christmas! Oh well, until then...I am going to enjoy every minute of this season!
Love you all and.....HAPPY HARVEST!

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