Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Work and stuff

Hey guys well..this week already has been so crazy. Thank's Wednesday. Friday is right around the corner and I honestly...can't wait.

I honestly love what I do for a living. Not only does it bring me joy to be able to help people achieve a major goal in life (homeownership) but it makes me a good living. However...for those of you that are in this business (Kimberly) you know how draining it can be when your closing 16 loans in a months time. I am probably the most controlling individual when it comes to work that I know, so delegating any work is useless for me, I end up doing all of it myself ...just to be sure it gets done. Arrrrrgggghhhh!! (that's one of those things I have to work on)

Having said that....I am heading out this Friday with my husband and my children for the weekend in Fredericksburg. We are taking our friends "The Merryfields" with us. It is promising to be a good weekend. Girls shopping in town while the guys hang out to do deer stands and feeders. Then, grilling steaks outside at camp in the evenings with all 7 of our kids running around. Jeep rides too during the day...sounds ...hmmmm...heavenly. Amazing how I get a thrill out of real simple things in life the older I get. HA!

Still day dreaming about the beach trip coming in August! Can't wait to spend some time with just my family and a couple of days with my sister in law and her crew too. We don't get to see each other that often and that's a shame. Melanie is about all the family Johnnie has anymore. (God bless Jr and Barbara...we miss you both).

Well I am going to work on posting some pics here for those of you that don't have myspace. We have really taken a lot of cute ones of the kids.

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