Friday, May 29, 2009

Keeli & Chase - Prom 2009

Keeli went with Chase Parmelly to his Junior prom this year. Three other boys had asked her to go, and her daddy said "NO". However, this young man asked, and he said "yes". Go figure! Still haven't figured out why.
Anyway, Keeli was excited to go. She wore a beautiful, long, deep blue dress with lots of shimmer! She looked so beautiful. On her way out the door, of course, her dad almost had a heart attack.
Prom was at the Marriott in the Woodlands. They went to dinner prior at PF Chang.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cody's Senior Prom 2009

Wow!! Cody's Senior Prom!! I can not believe it's here!! He graduates from high school in just 2 short weeks. I am so proud of him!!
For Senior Prom, Cody's date is one of the sweetest girls I know and one that I love so so much! She has been a part of our family since she was in 5th grade....Miss Taylor Yancey.
The night started with getting ready at Sherri Barnetts, with Kameron and Clint. The black limo, picked them up at 6:00, then headed over to the Sharps, to pick up the girls. Taylor Sharp was Kamerons date. Of course, when we showed up the girls were not ready, but soon walked down the stairs to take all of our breath away. They looked so beautiful!!!
They then headed over to pick up Clint's date and the over to Bentwater Yacht club to take photos.
After many snap shots, they headed to Margaritas for dinner, then off to Prom.
After Prom, the all headed over to hang at the Barnetts to hang in the hot tub!! Fun Fun!!!
Way to go Cody.....We are all so very proud of you!!!! SENIOR 09!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mothers Day

This mother’s day was one of the best I have had.

Friday evening, me, Johnnie and the boys headed to Fredericksburg to fill up Johnnie’s feeder pens at the deer camp. We arrived around midnight. Got up early Saturday morning and took care of business there. Left and headed for Bastrop Texas to the beautiful "Lost Pines Resort".

We arrived there around noon. Ate lunch and Triston was just in time for a game of kickball. We sat around and watched him play then headed over to the Rambling River. The boys played in the river and the slide while we waited for our room to come available.

I have posted only a few "sketchy" photos that were taken with my camera phone, because like always...I forget camera at home.

We spent Saturday and Sunday floating the Rambling River and relaxing. This resort is absolutely beautiful. A great place for family. We normally go to the Hyatt Hill Country Resort or LaCantera in San Antonio, but decided to "try out" Lost Pines. So serene and tranquil.

I loved it. I have the best husband and children and consider myself so blessed!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The "MOM" survey

A friend of mine, had this survey on her blog page and I thought it was I gave it a try with my four loving children, each one separately so their answers would be their own....and here is what they said................

1. What is something Mom always says to you?

Cody - "What are you on?"
Keeli - "Do your chores"
Dalton - "I love you"
Triston - "I love you too"

2. What makes Mom happy?

C - Her loving boys
K - Daddy
D - When we do what we are told
T - When I say I love you or write you love notes

3. What makes Mom sad?

C- When I am irresponsible
K - When she feels we take advantage of her
D - Whenever we say stuff that hurts her feelings
T - When we are bad

4. How does Mom make you laugh?

C - Everything she does makes me laugh
K - When she trys to talk like a teenager
D - When she makes funny faces and noises
T - When she farts

5. What is your Moms favorite thing to do?

C- Play poker online and watch "Ever After"
K - Play Poker
D - Play on myspace
T - Go out with the family

6. What does your mom do when you aren't around?

C- Plays poker and watches "Ever After"
K- Works
D - Work
T - Cleans and works

7. What is Mom really good at?

C- Cooking, loving, taking care of the boys and Keeli
K- Being bossy
D - Everything
T - Working and cleaning

8. What is she NOT good at?

C - Remembering where she puts stuff
K- Guitar Hero as good as me
D - Working outside
T - Throwing a ball

9. What is Mom's favorite food?

C - Southern cooking
K - Mexican
D - Chicken Alfredo
T - I have no clue, you never told me

10. What makes you proud of your mom?

C - Her ability to take care of our family
K - How you work hard and how pretty you are
D - You work hard for our family
T - You always work hard and get a lot of money to pay bills

11. How are we the same?

C - We both like to try "new things" and are both musically inclined
K - We are the only girls in our family, we are bossy, controlling and both hard headed
D - Our personality
T - We like to go to the movies

12. How do you know I love you?

C - Because you tell me constantly and care for me when I am sick
K - Cause you tell me every day
D - You show it and say it to me alot
T - Because I just know - you always say it

13. What does mom like most about dad?

C - His sexy bald head
K - His kisses
D - You always says he's sexy
T - That he's good looking and he taught me how to play baseball good

14. What is her favorite place to go?

C - Anywhere she can shop
K - The Mall
D - The Mall
T - The Mall