Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fun night with "The Gang"

We had the best time Saturday night!! A bunch of Keeli's girl/guy friends came over and we all hung out and ........well...lets just say "kids will be kids"!! Good clean fun!!! The picture above is the "morning after". All 9 of the girls stayed the night and had pancakes and sausage the next morning! What a great group of kids. Mrs. Dixon had sooooo much fun! Love you all!

All the girls wore "silly socks" and skull bandannas with black out under their eyes. Zach had to "strike his pose" in this picture!! We are going to patten it so NO ONE steals it! HA! Love it! As for the triplets!! Thank goodness for great parents! (he he) that Barnetts Tahoe in the back I see???

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