Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another mishap at the Dixons

On Monday, my accident prone son Dalton, was stabbed in the back of the head 4 times with a pencil and then in the eye with that same pencil. We have spent 3 days at the Pediatrician and Optomologist. It's Thursday and Dalton is doing much better. We are really fortunate that there is no permanent damage to the eye. Thank the Lord!

Now it's just going through all the "red tape" with the school and the other childs parents. Pray for us!!

I am not going to post pictures because it's even more gross than the stitches!!


The Waco Newmans said...

I am so thankful that you didn't include photos here! Eyes are the one body part I cannot bear to look at... weird huh?

Unknown said...

Poor thing you are always having something me sometime.