Sunday, August 5, 2007


Well it's Sunday around 11:am and I am just getting up. Missed church this morning because I was up until 3:30 am running to the drug store for medicine. I have been sick for 3 days with a swollen gland in my face from a boo boo on my ear (wierd...I know). ANYWAY....I am feeling a little better this morning and hopeing that I will be all better by tonight.
I have to...vacation is coming!! I know that I say a lot about vacation but I am telling you.....I REALLY NEED ONE!!

Johnnie and I are going to go to Best Buy today and buy a new lap top. Mine (that I just bought 2 years ago and spent over $2000) has died! I think it's all the junk my kids do while they are playing on it that has caused it to either get a virus that is unfixable or something!! But I took it to the geek squad and they said it would cost $200-$800 to fix it. I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it would just be best to buy a new one!! So.....we are soon off to spend the money! :(((((

August is in full swing here at our home. Getting things ready to go back to school (Thank the Lord)! School shopping next week for 5 kids (everyone pray for me..ha).

Check back often...our lives are busy! To all my family...I love you and miss you.
Oh...p.s., don't forget to keep Aunt Margie in your prayers!!

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