This labor day weekend was long for Johnnie and I. He actually took a vacation day on Friday so that he could have a 4 day weekend. Almost like a mini vacation.
We started out on Lake Conroe. We took our boat out and let the kids knee board and tube. They really enjoyed watching their dad do 360's on the water. We spent 3 of the 4 days boating. We also cooked out on Saturday and ate outside on our patio ...which was really nice.
On Saturday night, we headed over to Mels house for some poker. I won 1st place in the 1st tournament and split the pot with Mel who took 2nd place.
On Sunday, my dad and his wife came in to stay with us for a few days to get away from hurricane Gustav. It was really nice to see my daddy and spend some time with him. Rena took me shopping on Monday to spend some money on the grandkids...which my kids love because Pappa and Grandma always buy them what they want. SPOILED!