Monday, July 30, 2007


Well, today, my first born turns 16! He is already ready to move out and be grown!(not!)

His wish of course is to have a brand spankin new car. However, the truck my daddy gave him will have to do (snickering)! The truck is purple now but is being painted black. So it's up to Cody to buy tires and rims.
Cody is such a handsome smart young man, whom I am very proud of. He does the typical teenage rebellion stuff but for the most part....he's good!

So...just here to say "HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY CODACIOUS"
We love you!!!

Back to work!!!

Well, it's Monday and I am back at work. The weekend was actually a little work and a lot of relaxation. Saturday, Johnnie and I went to Hastings and grabbed 5 movies (something we never do, with Netflix, we just pick them out on line and they arrive in the it!).

Worked in the yard (very little) on Sunday and just "hung out" at home with our kiddos. Grilled burgers and "snacked out"!!

Really uneventful but relaxing. We are getting really pumped about vacation. This summer has been way too long already. Normally, we would have already gone on vacation by now. The kids are chomping at the bit to go. Can't wait!!!! I think the only thing I will miss about home will be a computer. I am going to check to see if the condo has internet capabilites. However...Johnnie has already said "ABSOLUTELY NO WORKING ON VACATION SONJA"! Ha...he knows me too well!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Weekend News!

Well it's Friday!!! Thank the Lord! I am totally exhausted. I don't want to say that too many times because the weekend only brings more work around our house. Yard work (replanting stuff from the pool area to the front because its being taken over by weeds), house cleaning (that only gets done so/so during the week) and washing our vehichles. See...just saying that and I am yawning...tired already! But gives us something to do as a family. Then Sunday, after church, we will grill burgers and swim (that is ...if it doesn't rain) and then if it does...well thank goodness for the JenAir grill on my stove. Burgers are always good there too and curled up on a blanket in front of the TV or on the couch watching movies sounds mighty great at this point (Ok..honestly..praying currently for rain!) aaaaahhhhhh to rest!

Other than that...the Dixon crew will be home all weekend. Our trip to Gulf Shores is right around the corner and school clothes shopping has to be done soon! We get back 1 day before school starts.

To my family...get your butts busy with a blog page!! Mom...I know you have already started and I am sure glad. Can't wait to see all the "juicy" stuff that goes on in your day (ha...I love you!)

Love you all !!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Boring but at least something to say this week! HA!

Ok..this week has been so busy with work that I haven't had a lot of time to post. So here's a short blurb about what's been happening.

Mom--- it has rained here this week and they anticipate even more! I was wondering if we were EVER going to have a summer? However, I must say that not having 100+ degree weather has been nice. I actually woke up yesterday and went outside to drink coffee and it reminded me of Fall. You know I love that season so I was greatful!

Everyone else...hope all is well and check back often for updates on my group. This blogging stuff is really fun and it kinda reminds me of when I used to journal.
Love you all!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

There is no place like home!

Well, it's Sunday night and we are just getting in from our long tireing weekend in Fredericksburg. Johnnie spent his time putting up deer stands and building fences. On Sunday morning I finally had a chance to run into town and buy a few things for my flower garden in the front (a windmill and iron made cactus..cute!)

Triston, Johnnie, Jon and Regan shot a hog and wanted to shoot others (such macho

Keeli, Amanda, Tori, Kayla and I basically just did the "girl" thing at camp. Ya know..cook, clean etc...ha!

Cody got the worst sunburn! He worked with the guys in the pasture without a shirt and his back is reeeeddddddd as a brand spanken new fire truck! Ouuuuccccchhhh!!!

Bottom line...I am grateful to be home! Funny how you can't wait to leave and when you get's the most comforting feeling I know. Guess thats why we call it................home.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My family & Friends

Ok..for those of you that got the email...Welcome! I am glad you decided to stop in. Take some time (it only takes a minute) and create yourself one. It's fun!! And keeps us all "in touch".

Aunt will really like it! (I miss you and I never get a chance to chat with you) for today...not much new except it's 11:30 and I am still up checking emails and blogging. I am so busy at work right now, I have to find time to do this at night. I am also STILL waiting on Johnnie to get home. He is building a really nice, big deer stand for him and the boys so he is still at our friends shop welding and hammering away. We leave tomorrow and we are all excited. We are taking our friends with us it should make for a nice relaxing weekend.

Remember...I love you all!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Work and stuff

Hey guys well..this week already has been so crazy. Thank's Wednesday. Friday is right around the corner and I honestly...can't wait.

I honestly love what I do for a living. Not only does it bring me joy to be able to help people achieve a major goal in life (homeownership) but it makes me a good living. However...for those of you that are in this business (Kimberly) you know how draining it can be when your closing 16 loans in a months time. I am probably the most controlling individual when it comes to work that I know, so delegating any work is useless for me, I end up doing all of it myself ...just to be sure it gets done. Arrrrrgggghhhh!! (that's one of those things I have to work on)

Having said that....I am heading out this Friday with my husband and my children for the weekend in Fredericksburg. We are taking our friends "The Merryfields" with us. It is promising to be a good weekend. Girls shopping in town while the guys hang out to do deer stands and feeders. Then, grilling steaks outside at camp in the evenings with all 7 of our kids running around. Jeep rides too during the day...sounds ...hmmmm...heavenly. Amazing how I get a thrill out of real simple things in life the older I get. HA!

Still day dreaming about the beach trip coming in August! Can't wait to spend some time with just my family and a couple of days with my sister in law and her crew too. We don't get to see each other that often and that's a shame. Melanie is about all the family Johnnie has anymore. (God bless Jr and Barbara...we miss you both).

Well I am going to work on posting some pics here for those of you that don't have myspace. We have really taken a lot of cute ones of the kids.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Summer Vacation

Hey's coming up! Melanie..are you ready?? Everyone start your engines.! Ha

I guess I am just a little anxious about vacation this year. We are heading out on August 17th and making our first stop at my girlfriend Kimberly Cunninghams house. We are going to eat dinner with her, her girls and her new husband. I am excited for Johnnie to meet Lenny. I know they will "hit it off".

Then on Saturday we are supposed to hang out in Lafayette for a little bit (possibly see Greg) and then head out to New Orleans to see our family. That should be fun!!! Spend a little time in the French Quarter and eat really really good food.

Then Sunday morning (bright and early) head to Gulf Shores Alabama. We are staying at a wonderful condo right on the beach!! It's a resort so they have cool stuff there to do for the kids.

Check back in later for more details!! We are getting excited!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Ok..well we are home and baseball is over for us this season. It was terrible. First game we played was Stamo and lost 13-14. 3 really bad calls from the umps and we lost. Should have won this game no matter what but our boys today were just not playing their "A" game.

Then it came down to Conroe Blue VS Conroe Red and our boys really went to sleep. Although the Blue team (which is the A team)has great athletic talent, our boys have really stepped up and should have gave them a run for the money. Lots of errors and when that lose ballgames.

Although disappointed, we are still very proud of what we have accomplished. This is the first time at CAYB that a "B" team has advanced this far in the tournaments.

I must say...I honestly believe it's the coaching! (I love you Boo). We had several parents tell us that they love Johnnie and hope that their boys will play for him again in years to come. (kinda sad)

Although disappointed....I have only one other thing to say....."WAY TO GO CONROE RED!!!!"

Friday, July 13, 2007

New to blogging

Ok guys, everyone says that I should blog and keep everyone informed of our busy lives and updates on what all 500 (ok 5) kids are doing so here it is. I am just starting so be patient. We will start with this......

Currently we are in a heat wave. Baseball that is !! Our 7-8 year old team that Triston plays on won regular season championship and then advanced to Sectional tournament. Won a Championship there too! OMG...we are so excited. We leave in the morning to Missouri City to play STAMO. Wish us luck!! If we win this tournament...we move on to State Tournaments.

Last year, Johnnie coached Triston on our 5-6 year old team and we went all the way to State. It's so exciting and fun to watch little boys play REAL baseball.

Other than that...nothing real exciting!!

Check back later!